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LIVE Webinar: Digitise strategy work with MakeMyStrategy™ (Free participation)

9.00 - 9.45

A condensed and useful webinar where you get concrete recommendations on how to best develop and execute your strategy digitally - so that both the process is well documented and the formulated goals can be prioritised and executed. You get valuable tips, advice and live demo of the strategy process with the founder of MakeMyStrategy™. Opportunity to ask questions etc. along the way.


Duration 45 min


The webinar is suitable for owners, board members, managers, investors and others who want a digital, shareable, practical and usable solution to implement strategy processes and ensure execution.

The solution helps you keep track of and structure the strategy process and execution.

All decisions, judgements and prioritisations throughout the process are continuously documented and you get a unique solution for employee involvement.

Also, a link to the follow-up module. Here you get access to a live action plan where you can see the status of the execution at all times.

Finally, the webinar will also show you how you can easily adjust your strategy without starting from scratch and how you can easily get a full overview of the consequences of changes in strategy assumptions.

This free webinar will show you how MakeMyStrategy™ works and how you can use it to:‍

- Data collection and analysis

- what affects the business

- The way forward

- scenarios and how to ensure a sustainable strategy

- Strategic choices

- Strategic focus and strategic metrics

- Key to success: The action plan - activities, goals and responsibilities

- Automatically generated documentation

- Continuous overview of consequences of changes in assumptions and priorities


This webinar does not include any materials, however, you can always contact us afterwards to arrange delivery of various materials.


Michael Finn Petersen, Partner & Managing Director, MakeMyStrategy


After registration you will be sent a link for your participation. Held via teams in English.

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