How the franchise world can create momentum

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Sanne Markwall

Running a successful franchise is not just about replicating an existing concept - it also requires a well-defined strategy that ensures growth for both franchisor and franchisee

In a world where competition and market dynamics are constantly changing, it is essential that both franchisor and franchisee have a clear strategy that creates value and ensures sustainable business development.

As a franchisor, one of the biggest challenges is ensuring that the business model can scale across different markets while maintaining the original quality and brand identity. By having a clear growth strategy, the franchisor can develop clear guidelines and frameworks that help replicate success in a consistent way.

A well thought-out strategy can also include planning for franchisee support and training, which can help ensure a smooth and successful roll-out of new franchise units. This not only creates growth for the franchisor, but also security and a strong base for franchisees.

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Local customization and execution

Franchisees face another challenge: adapting the overall business model to their local market without deviating from the original concept. A good strategy allows franchisees to better understand their local market, identify potential growth opportunities and adapt quickly to changes in the market.

Strategy is also crucial for day-to-day execution. By having an action plan adapted to local conditions, franchisees can optimize their operations and achieve greater efficiency, ultimately resulting in increased growth and profitability.

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For both franchisor and franchisee, strategy is about more than just planning; it's about having a clear direction that supports growth.

An effective strategy allows you to proactively navigate through challenges and capitalize on opportunities in the market, leading to sustainable growth for all parties involved.

‍Thedeciding factor

Working strategically doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. With today's digital tools, both franchisors and franchisees can easily develop, implement and update their strategies, ensuring everyone stays strong in a competitive market. Digital capabilities make it possible to work faster and smarter, not harder, and this is a crucial factor for growth in any franchise organization.

This opinion piece was published on FINANS on September 3, 2024

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