Risk is minimised and growth opportunities increased"

As executive vice president of Givesco and as longtime CFO of the Semler Group, I know how important a clear strategy is.

All companies should have a strategy and here is MakeMyStrategy™ a great platform that helps to get the thoughts "from head to paper" so that the strategy can be more easily discussed in the management team and with the board as well as more simply communicated out in the organization.

At the same time, the built-in rigorous structured process ensures that your mindset is challenged and that your reflections are documented, so that you always know why a given decision was made. This means that risk is minimised and growth opportunities are increased, which I am in favour of.

Subsequently, the strategy is also easy to change when conditions change.

Last but not least, the use of MakeMyStrategy™ is significantly cheaper than using consultants.

Henning Siersbæk
Executive Vice President