What are the preferences of the owner and manager?

In order to achieve the highest possible success rate when executing the strategy, it is crucial that during the strategy work you have uncovered the preferences of the owner and manager. That is, attitudes and opinions that the owner/manager has in relation to the present and the future and thus also to the strategy.

There may be special circumstances around historical constraints/traditions, taboo topics, the risk profile, special desires, generational change, etc. to be taken into account.

Finally, there may sometimes be topics/themes that are NOT up for debate and which the owner says must be delineated from the strategy – if so, this is also described in the strategy or in a note to that effect. For example, the owner does not want to buy/sell a business, it may be the owner wants to maintain a business area/product even if it is not profitable and it is solely due to emotional reasons etc.

Therefore, a sharp strategy must take into account the strengths and weaknesses that the owner and manager's preferences address.

An assessment of owner and manager's preferences must not only be prepared so that you can then tick the check mark by now it is completed. Together with your other strategy material, it must be translated into concrete actions . An easy and simple approach is to use MakeMyStrategy™ as structures and summarize all your work into one comprehensive and coordinated action plan.

I can strongly recommend this tool for strategy tasks!

Jacob Braa Sørensen


Staal & Plast A/S


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