Customer lifetime value, also known as CLV or CTLV, is a term for the total monetary value a customer generates throughout the entire period of the relationship between the customer and the company.
This is an estimated total economic value including basic earnings, earnings from additional purchases, recommendations of other customers and reduced costs, e.g. for customer retention. for maintaining the customer relationship.
It's an indicator of the long-term health and profitability of your business.
This indicator, along with other analytics, knowledge and data, can be used to plan activities and investments in future customer care, marketing, etc.
I can definitely recommend MakeMyStrategy as I am a big advocate of doing things once and by having a system that keeps you on the right track and guides you, you also ensure that the strategy is right the first time or at least corrected correctly along the way."
Gert Ekberg Westergaard Jensen
Managing Director and Partner