What methods and theories does MakeMyStrategy™ rely on?

Founder Sanne Markwall is experienced in strategy in practice, and with MakeMyStrategy™ she has digitized and simplified the often complex and costly strategy processes so that they are accessible - digitally, practically and economically sensible - for all companies.

Sanne's knowledge and experience from employment in large companies and the consulting industry is coupled with recognized international strategy models, sustainability and methods from the book "Strategy in winning companies", which is based on experiences from around 600 strategy processes and used at universities.

Before our founder made the leap into tech entrepreneurship, she was co-creator and CEO of Vinderstrategi A/S. Previously, she worked in the financial sector and has practical hands-on experience from successful strategy implementation of a new pension product in 100 banks, 12,000 advisors and 225 change mentors.

In other words, you are buying a solid and unique strategy platform - that works in practice!

That's the essence from these books summed up - simple, purposeful and sustainable.

"Business Model Canvas" by Alexander Osterwalder

"Value Proposition Design" by Alexander Osterwalder

"Scenaro planning" by Woody Wade,

"Must-Win Battles" by Peter Killing and Thomas Malnight,

"Competitive strategy" and "Five forces" by by Michael E. Porter,

"7-S framework" by McKinsey,

"SWOT analysis" by Alan Sarsby,

"The Disney Way" by Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson,

"The Balanced Scorecard" by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton,

"Strategy in winning companies" by Jørgen Lægaard and Mikael Vest

If you want the book "Strategy in winning companies", it can be purchased for DKK 500 + VAT. Just send us a message HERE or find the book at saxo.com.

About the book:

The book explains what it takes to become a winning company and is a collection of strategic considerations that make it easier for boards and management teams to tackle strategic challenges and lead the companies they are responsible for towards winning positions. The book is about and written for Danish companies. And it is based on the world of the target group:

  • Business leaders who want an overview, inspiration and tools for strategy work
  • Business advisors who want to be better equipped for strategy discussions with the company they work for
  • Higher education students who want targeted knowledge in understandable language and with a high theoretical foundation.

Saved over 600 internal hours. Use MakeMyStrategy™ - it can only pay off.

Karen Mørkholt


Revision Limfjord (now part of Beierholm)

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