There are many stand-alone templates in strategy development. Our experience is that a strategy template is fine as a stand-alone document where you formulate your thoughts and knowledge, BUT not very practical, frankly often completely useless in practice.
The reason we say it's unworkable is because what's critical to a successful strategy is that you manage to COMBINE and TRANSLATE the amount of knowledge in the completed templates into concrete activities that need to be performed to get to the goal you've set.
Strategy work has many elements and you can easily jump a little to the right with one template and then a little to the left with another template, with the result that there is a lot of wasted time, focus is lost and too much time is spent constantly gathering consensus over and over again.
The trick is to tie all the different models, theories, templates together into one.
Every angle has been considered
Jesper Hartvigsen
CEO & co-owner