One thing is to develop the strategy itself - another thing is the successful execution of the strategy. These are two tasks, but two tasks that today are constantly running simultaneously.
The time when we first developed the strategy and then only looked at it after 2, maybe 3 years is over. It also means that the execution itself today needs to be adaptable in terms of how the strategy is continuously adapted.
Below are 14 tips for successful strategy execution based on years of experience - tips that we know work! And, of course, incorporated into the MakeMyStrategy™ platform.
1. Appoint a strategy project manager with overall responsibility (often a person from management)
2. Designate a Must-Win Battle leader for each Must-Win battle responsible for the progress of each Must-Win Battle and reporting to the strategy project manager (may be people from management or key people passionate about the task)
3. Involve an external sparring partner as needed to provide support and assistance either face-to-face or online. At you can see a number of independent consultants who are accredited in the use of the tool
4. Formalise a strategy management group that coordinates and plans among themselves (often consists of the overall strategy project manager and each Must-Win Battle leader)
5. Appoint activity managers who are responsible for each activity (may be people from management or key people who are passionate about the task)
6. Develop detailed sub-action plan for each activity
7. Establish workgroups for each activity (put together the right team)
8. Describe the measuring points for each Must-Win Battle so you have something concrete to measure the progress of
9. Establish a permanent follow-up structure consistent with the other management and board meetings
10. Customize agendas at management meetings, board meetings and employee meetings to be prepared and spoken based on the strategy and the associated Must-Win Battles and activities
11. Involve the Board of Directors (status and progress)
12. Plan and conduct ongoing communication including to whom, how and how often
13. Incorporate Must-Win battle and other relevant topics from the strategy into employee development interviews, job descriptions, etc.
14. Uncover the need for competence development among employees in relation to the strategy and related activities
Great tool for generational transition
Ole Østergaard
Owner and Managing Director